In this example, you'll see how to add editable content to any web page.
# 1. Create a blank mod
Start with an empty mod, with nothing added. You can clone this blank mod (opens new window) if desired.

# 2. Add a field named content
Click the pencil icon to open the editor, then in the Fields tab, add a field named content
with type Rich text (HTML)

# 3. Add the content
field to your HTML panel
Use Handlebars HTML insertion syntax ({{{
) to automatically insert your field into the mod. For non-HTML fields (e.g. Plain Text), you can use a double mustache ({{
) instead of a triple mustache. See Using Handlebars for more info.

# 4. Set a value for the content
Click the new field and add some text to your content
field. Click Save & Publish.

# 5. Now your content is being inserted into your mod
It is visible in the preview pane.

# 6. Add the mod to any website or web app
Follow the instructions at the bottom of the page. If you have not done so already, paste the anymod script into your page's <head>
<!-- AnyMod -->
<script id="AnyMod-script">
(function (m,o,d,u,l,a,r,i,z,e) {
u[m]={Project:o,rq:[],Opts:r,ready:function(j){u[m].rq.push(j)}};function j(s){return encodeURIComponent(btoa(s))};z=l.getElementById(m+'-'+a);r=u.location;
<!-- /AnyMod -->
This enables AnyMod on the page. Now paste the mod's tag in your page's HTML wherever you want your mod to appear:
<!-- Lorem ipsum text -->
<div id="anymod-nmnmo"></div>
Make sure you add your own project ID in the AnyMod script above (where it says XXXXXX
), and make sure you use your own mod (not nmnmo
# 7. Reload your page
You content should show on your page. If you are logged into AnyMod, you will also see a pencil icon appear on the right side of the page. Clicking this icon enables you to make edits to your content.